Hi! I’m Shelley Segal. I sing and play guitar. I’ve been writing and performing since I was 11 years old. I tell stories and write songs about how I see all kinds of things, from mangoes to salamanders to politics. I run a studio and production company in LA. I make music for myself, other artists and for film and TV. I love my life in music!


10 items on your fantasy rider and why you’ve chosen each one

  1. Charcuterie board – everyone says not to eat cheese before you sing but I can’t say no to one of these for the band!!!! 
  2. Bean bags – why not? We need somewhere to pass out after all the cheese. Might as well be comfy. 
  3. Spicy Mango Gummies – these are my favourite lollies I’ve discovered in the US (or candy as they say here). Again not great for singing lol but they’re so spicy and so good. 
  4. Massage tables with masseuse. Ok this is starting to sound like a lounge spa day rather than a gig but since you said anything I want…. 
  5. Jasmine flowers – I love the smell of Jasmine, that’s going to put me in a good mood. I hope no one has allergies! 
  6. A string quartet, to serenade us. Ok, I think this is the craziest so far. I’m trying to be outlandish now. But you’d definitely be inspired by this before going on stage! 
  7. Room temperature water and a mist machine for the old vocal chords – gotta stay limber. 
  8. An art display – we need to be as inspired as possible, can’t stop with just music and good food. We need the visuals too. 
  9. Tattoo artist – help us to make it a show we won’t forget. 
  10.  Mani pedis for everyone – Ok I’m not going in stage I’m just staying here now 🤣🤣🤣


 The plug:

My new music video for MOTHER – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1PpMenzoKg

Website: http://www.shelleysegal.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shelley.segal.music/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShelleySegal @shelleysegal 


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shelleysegal/ @shelleysegal 

Bandcamp:  https://shelleysegal.bandcamp.com/

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shelleysegalmusic/

BandsinTown: http://www.bandsintown.com/ShelleySegal 

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3Is6CJbBt3YB6gDxnoNfiE? si=gMFhuPiCQy-DMFP0eR0E3w 

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shelleysegal 

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