Full Tilt Sydney, due to be held on Saturday 26th of February at Bella Vista Farm has been cancelled due to the New South Wales’ Government’s decision to extend their current Public Health Order COVID restrictions by a further month.  With these restrictions being extended, Full Tilt Festival cannot proceed in Sydney despite exhausting all possible options to ensure the event would be able to go ahead. Full Tilt organisers are devastated for the thousands of fans, artists, contractors, crew and event staff and were looking forward to presenting a COVID-safe event. Promoter Chris O’Brien said “We have zero confidence in any of the state governments anymore. They constantly backflip on restrictions with absolutely no notice or industry consultation. For the most part we have been disgracefully and completely ignored by the States and the Federal Government. Two years in and we still have no ability to trade and generate income as an industry on a national level. We have no grants coming in, no job keeper, no National insurance scheme so when the States do pull the rug from under us with no notice we are left high and dry. Where we thought there was light at the end of the tunnel late last year has very quickly evaporated and we sit here now with more uncertainty than ever before. They say it’s the darkest before dawn…well dawn feels like an eternity away”. Full Tilt Festival will still be going ahead in Melbourne and Brisbane.

All Full Tilt Sydney ticket-holders will be automatically refunded.

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