Through Eco-Friendly NFT’s on Serenade  

No one loves their fans like Client Liaison! When the music industry is on its knees, the guys are digging deep, selling their indie pop soul through eco-friendly NFT’s via Serenade, giving the souls of their existence to their fans!

Levelling up the disappointing downside, with an upside.

To celebrate the release of their new LP Divine Intervention, (Oct 1stm via Warner) Client Liaison are selling 85% of their soul – cut into pieces for their fans through an NFT. They are keeping 15% just in case they need it down the track! The collection will be sold on Serenade, with the auction set to commence from Monday 27th September at 9am. See below for the full list of offerings. An NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) is a digital collectable for music fans and collectors.

The NFT bundle comes with a download of the album that is fulfilled in partnership with 24Hundred, an ARIA accredited online retailer, so all sales count to ARIA chart numbers.

‘The NFT market has captured the imaginations of many. We wanted to highlight the intangibility of this new space as well as echo themes of spirituality and the divine by putting the soul of Client Liaison up for sale. At the end of the day, the soul of CL bemoans with our fans not us, so to give them the opportunity to own some of CL sits very well with us’ Client Liaison.

Client Liaison will offer three separate NFTs in the collection including the main offer for auction that includes not only the band’s soul but ‘soul-related perks’ including a Golden Ticket, limo ride and lunch with the band plus a downloadable link to Client Liaison’s new album, Divine Intervention.

Full details below including information on the three tiers available for purchase and more info on NFT’s and Serenade can be found below.


Auction Timing: auction to commence from midday 27th September with the auction to end 4th October.

Note: all redemptions of soul-related perks and peculiarities must be in by December 1 2022.

Tier 1 – Client Liaison Soul Advisory Board
Sale Mechanism = Auction
Edition Size = 1
Starting price = $150
Visual = TBD by CL

10% piece of the soul
Signed letter/contract (fulfilled digitally)
Album download
Limo Experience and lunch with CL
Golden Ticket

Tier 2 – Client Liaison Soul IPO
Sale Mechanism = Limited Edition
Edition size = 130
Price = $30
Visual = TBD by CL

0.5% piece of the soul. Total Soul: 65%
Signed letter/contract (fulfilled digitally)
Album download

Tier 3 – Client Liaison Soul IPO
Sale Mechanism = Limited Edition
Edition size = 20
Price = $20
Visual = TBD by CL

0.5% piece of the soul. Total Soul: 10%
Signed letter/contract (fulfilled digitally)

About Serenade
Serenade is a ground-breaking new artist/fan-centric music platform, which aims to break down the barriers to entry surrounding Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and make them easily accessible and affordable for artists and their fans.

Launched by Australian tech entrepreneur Max Shand, the eco-friendly music-based platform produces 1/44,000th of the carbon emitted by a standard NFT (or 1/10th of the energy usage of a Tweet) through an energy efficient NFT authentication method called ‘Proof of Stake,’ a counterpoint to the standard Ethereum ‘Proof of Work’ method.

Purchases are made using a Debit/Credit card via Serenade’s check out facility, designed to function as a standard ecommerce site, with the platform handling the creation of a digital wallet and transfer of traditional payments into crypto currency.

Serenade launched in August 2021 with music-related digital collectibles that included unreleased tracks, limited edition artwork and VIP ticketing and experiences.
Serenade’s Environmental Credentials Explained
Serenade NFT emits just 1/10th of the carbon of a tweet, which comes to 1/44,000th of the footprint of a normal NFT. We do this through an energy-efficient NFT authentication method called ‘Proof of Stake,’ a counterpoint to the standard Ethereum ‘Proof of Work’ method.

This marked improvement is a result of the Serenade platform being built on top of a layer two blockchain called Matic. Matic has a trusted relationship with Ethereum, which means it doesn’t have to go through the exhaustive process of proving every NFT transaction to the blockchain, but rather achieves this via collective proofs.

Not only does this lead to far better ecological outcomes, but it lowers the cost of creating NFTs so artists can be free to produce more work for their fanbases without bearing any gas fees.

Not sure what an NFT is? An NFT is essentially the same as a physical limited-edition merch item, like vinyl or an artwork, only a digital file. The owner holds the copy of the digital file but not the copyright within it, as they would with a physical item, and they can sell their item at any time to another fan.

“To date, the NFT market has been living in the cryptocurrency world; Serenade is here to shift that, opening up affordable access to NFT s to true fans everywhere with a credit or debit card.”

Serenade is already providing unforgettable moments for music fans across the country. Head over to to see how.


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