Despite the name of Adelaide five piece Neon Tetra evoking images of dancefloors, disco balls and neon lights. Their name in fact originates from the humble Neon Tetra, a glowing, tropical fish that is a common house pet.
The Neon Tetra guide to fave songs about fish.
As such the band have put together their top 5 fish related tracks for your aural pleasure.
Big Fish – Vince Staples
Banger. One of the best tracks from one of my favourite records of 2017. Just a simple, fierce beat, accompanied by some glorious production. Simple, yet effective.
The Salmon Dance – The Chemical Brothers
A classic dancefloor anthem that has featured regularly on my party-themed playlists for many years. As someone who appreciates a good salmon I find this track equally wholesome both sonically and in subject matter.
Barracuda – Heart
A proper rock track. I first heard this song many years ago while playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas as a teenager and it’s stuck with me ever since. To this day I still have memories of driving a tank through the desert, Barracuda pumping through the tv speakers, all in a feeble attempt to avoid the eventuality of homework.
Octopus’s Garden – The Beatles
Easily one of the worst tracks on one of my favourite albums of all time. In another time, Octopus’s Garden sounds like it may have been written as Ringo’s pitch to join The Wiggles, yet it still has a weird, yet special place in my heart. Its simplicity and playfulness really does amplify the greatness of the rest of Abbey Road.
Weird Fishes / Arpeggi – Radiohead
One of my all time favourite songs. This was, alongside ‘15 Step’, one of the first tracks that allowed me to embrace Radiohead. The song features some beautiful guitar interplay and vocals. What impresses me most about this song is how it evokes a strong intimacy despite it being a very busy arrangement.