Hey Danny, thanks for taking the time to chat with 27 Magazine.

Musical Evolution: Thoughts and Observations is your 8th album! What do you think sets this one apart from your previous works? Any surprises we can look forward to?

I think we’ve evolved naturally over the last few albums. ThIs record feels self assured and reflective. Sonically it’s big and live sounding. Surprises? Well, we have a couple of amazing guest collaborators, singer-songwriter Gabrielle Aplin and piano virtuoso Jamie Duffy. Also the closing track ends in this big jazz big band style vibe that was a surprise to even us! 


Inspiration Station: Every song has a story! Can you share the craziest or most unexpected inspiration behind a track from the new album?

For Singing Just For You, I was really struggling to write. I must have spent two days staring at a blank page and not coming up with anything of any use musically either. Then I had a moment where I realised that’s exactly what the song should be about, the struggle to write and be creative. After that, the floodgates sort of opened for the rest of the album.


Lyrical Journey: Your lyrics often reflect personal experiences. Did you write any of the songs while on an adventure, perhaps sipping coffee in a quirky café?

Yes, a lot of the lyrics were written in Dingle, Co Kerry. A beautifully remote part of Ireland in the South West. It’s my safe creative space. I always find the more honest and personal I am with my lyrics, the more people actually relate to them. Good Boy was written after a night out after our Perth show in Australia last November


Collaborative Vibes: Who did you have the most fun collaborating with on this album? Any behind-the-scenes shenanigans you can share?

Everyone who worked on the album brought their own magic to the table and i cant single one out above the other so i’ll mention them all! 

Our amazing producer George Murphy, who knows how to bring the best out of us and is so selfless in his production, his choices are always about what’s best for the song.

Our amazing live band, Lar Kaye on guitar, Roisin O on backing vocals, and Cian McSweeny on Backing vocals and saxophone

Our dear friend Cormac Butler who arranged and played the strings

And our two special guest collaborators, Jamie Duffy (piano) and Gabrilelle Aplin who sings lead vocals with me on That’s Exactly What Love Is


Touring Fun: As you gear up for your Australian tour, what’s one thing you’re most excited about—local food, beaches, or maybe a legendary venue?

Yes! All of the above! It will be cold and wet in Ireland in November so we’re buzzing for some sun! But really it’s the people in Australia we love. They have always been so welcoming and warm to us


Fan Favorites: If you could pick one song from Thoughts and Observations to perform live that you think will really resonate with the fans, which would it be and why?

It’s a tough one. Singing Just For You might be fun live, it gets big and loud by the end. But also maybe a song like Confirmation might connect with people lyrically. Or Hearts for Eyes for couples to waltz to!


Pre-Show Rituals: Do you have any quirky rituals or routines you do before going on stage? We need the juicy details!

Nothing too rock and roll unfortunately! Sometimes we have a little shot of whiskey and a group hug. We do a little vocal warm up which is more just to get us in the zone.


Unexpected Covers: If you could cover any song (regardless of genre) during the tour, what would it be and why?

I’m obsessed with Australian band Gang Of Youths, so maybe one of their songs would be fun to try. I love “the Heart is a Muscle”


Touring Antics: What’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you or the band while on tour in the past?

We’ve been touring for 15 years and to be honest we could probably write a book of stories! We had a crazy bus driver in America one time who almost killed us, we lost two band members when we stopped in Vegas another time, and they’re just a couple of the PG stories


Looking Ahead: With the album and tour around the corner, what’s the one thing you hope fans take away from Thoughts and Observations?

If they enjoy listening to it half as much as we enjoyed making it, we’ll be doing ok


Thoughts and Observations is out Friday Sept 27

Australian tour playing:




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