Veronica: First off we’d want an unlimited breakfast buffet. That is non-negotiable. Maybe not a good idea to fill up on unlimited breakfast before a show, but damn are breakfast buffet’s good.
Steven: along with cheese and meats to stuff the bass drum with, to feed to Ryan when he does a good job.
Ryan: yeah thanks buddy haha. But honestly just a good album to listen to, to help us relax and get in the zone, maybe some strippers…
Arthur: 45 blonde strippers to be exact, they need to each be different shades of blonde from lightest to darkest and they need to stay in that exact sequence throughout the duration of being in that room. Stupid OCD.
Veronica: since they didn’t specify gender, you can make that 45 blonde male strippers thanks.
Veronica: also 5000 Marshall Amps. I want to top AC/DC. I want the biggest wall of amps anyone’s ever seen. I want the Great Wall of China of amps.
Ryan: then we must also probably request ear plugs… or reconstructive ear drum surgery
Arthur: and a VB. A VB for every amp 5000 VB’s. I feel naked without one.
Ryan: and a 1940s show business manager with a fedora and a cigar to talk our ears off and tell us things like “you got spunk kids” “sign with me and I’ll mark youse a star see” who will then get us mixed up with the mafia, so we’ll have to miss the show, change our names and leave the country to live quiet lives in a remote Italian village until we die. Who wouldn’t want that?
Steven: thanks for your input Ryan haha. I’m pretty into Brazilian jiu-jitsu so a whole training dojo to warm up in before we have to leave for Italy with our lives would be sick. Nah but it would be good to get a good sweat happening before a show!
Veronica: this is kinda boring but a guitar tech? It’d be so good to have your own guitar tech and never have to worry about tuning or re-stringing or loading and unloading or anything going wrong with your guitar and equipment ever again. One day haha.
SAT 17 APR | CROWBAR, SYDNEY NSW | 18+ ‘Home Brewed’ Festival | Tickets available from Oztix
SAT 24 APR | THE ARTHOUSE CAFE, PORT KEMBLA NSW | ALL AGES ‘Artsville Unhatched’ Festival | Tickets available from Festival Director
SAT 22 MAY | PADDO RSL, SYDNEY NSW | 18+ Tickets available from Oztix | 1300 762 545
Free entry
SUN 20 JUNE | VINNIES DIVE, GOLD COAST, QLD | 18+ Tickets available from Oztix | 1300 762 545
SAT 26 JUN | HOTEL WESTWOOD, MELBOURNE VIC | 18+ Tickets available from Eventbrite
SUN 27 JUN | THE LAST CHANCE ROCK N’ ROLL BAR, MELBOURNE VIC | 18+ Tickets available from Oztix | 1300 762 545 | https://thelastchance.oztix.com.au/
THURS 8 JULY | LA LA LA’S, WOLLONGONG NSW | 18+ Tickets available from Moshtix
SAT 24 JULY | HAMILTON STATION HOTEL, NEWCASTLE NSW | 18+ Tickets available from Oztix | 1300 762 545
FRI 6 AUG | KELLY’S ON KING, SYDNEY NSW | 18+ Tickets available from Eventbrite
SAT 14 AUG | THE BASEMENT, CANBERRA ACT | 18+ Tickets available from Oztix | 1300 762 545